Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Time To Pack!

WNEC meetup at Dave's. Felt good to play stump again!
Family dinner over the fire.
Foil dinners. A classic throwback to boy scouts. 
Look at this delicious and perfectly cooked meal. I wonder if could build a fire in the Saturn and make it a car cooking episode?
Some of Stella's best qualities include: staring, yawning and slipping out of her harness (sans running away).
Rapscallion Brewery in Sturbridge MA. Good beer, an awesome outdoor pavilion and a disc golf course.
A nice Belchertown sunset with some okay friends.
Wrapping up my visit home. Hitting the road again on Thursday to explore some more of this wonderful country. A slightly difficult commitment after so many splendid moments with friends and family. But alas, the mountains are calling and I must go! My mini-retirement must be fulfilled with the proper levels of exploration, danger and debatably bad decisions.

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