Thursday, May 31, 2018

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Welcome to the World Chloe!

It's like I got home and completely forgot that I had a blog.

Well, anyways, the main motivation for coming home was to be here for the birth of my God Daughter Chloe. The c-section went perfectly and Chloe was born on the morning of the16th. Both mother and daughter are doing really well. Congrats Patrick and Kate!

Jude is already an amazing big brother. And he's grown so much since I was home in December!

And of course I've been climbing a lot. A few sessions at Rumney, Farley and Mormon Hollow. Feels good climbing on gneiss and schist again.

Plus other shenanigans, bonfires, baby showers and whatnot.

And plenty of baking to use all that rhubarb from the garden!

Already planning my trip to France to visit Camille. It's looking like mid-July might be the right time!

Friday, May 11, 2018

Sweet Home Massachusetts

To continue the grand tour of Colorado I drove up to Fort Collins to visit Erin and Cassie. We had a great time catching up and enjoying the beautiful Spring weather.

Friday night I joined them for their final kickball game of the season. This time with less beer and more kickball which was nice. We kinda got spanked but the beauty was that it didn't matter.

On Saturday we celebrated Scout's birthday. I was never able to get close to Scout as she has a bit of a temper with strangers, especially dudes. Whatever Scout, your loss!

Then later Cassie's sister and boyfriend came over and we had some tacos for Cinco de Mayo and a nice little campfire. All in all it was a really great visit!

On Sunday I left FoCo to head back down to Denver for a BBQ at Rocky's house. There was plenty of food, beer and eventually a game of stump. I got to see lots of friends from the Burning Man camp which I really enjoyed.

And on that note I woke up the next morning and decided it was time to go home. 30 hours of driving and 3 days later I was back in Belchertown at my Dad's house. 

I've begun the unpacking and cleaning process which I usually drag out for as long as possible. Mission #1 was to go to Tree House and spend way too much money on beer.... insanely delicious beer. I should be set for a least a few weeks now.

Also, my Dad was just selected as a 2018 Sandra C. Labaree Volunteer Values Award winner for the American Cancer Society of Southern & Western New England! This is a huge recognition and I'm super proud of everything he has done and the amount of time he has dedicated as a volunteer to improve the lives of others and one day rid this planet of such an awful disease. Congrats Dad!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Shelf Rd To Denver


Made my way to Colorado with Corey to meet up with a big group at Shelf Rd. And I convinced Sara to come down from Boulder. We though it might be too warm but the weather turned out to be perfect in the shade.

I setup another fixed line to take photos from above. Pretty happy with the results!

The climbing and camping was a lot of fun.

Then I spent a couple nights with Corey at his place in Colorado Springs. We decided to then drive up to Golden to climb in Clear Creek Canyon. Mike and Jaron, who we both met separately in Indian Creek, joined us.

As soon as we started climbing we got hit with a massive hail storm. Whoops, that wasn't in the weather forecast. Luckily it stopped after 15 minutes and the sun eventually came out a little bit to dry out the rock.

Then Mike's sister invited us to join her Kickball and flip cup team for the day. Apparently there's a league in Denver that plays kickball where you're required to hold a cup of beer in your hand for the entire game. Then after the game everyone drives to a nearby bar to play flipcup. I felt like I was in college again...

Either way it was a good time! Now I'm visiting some friends from my Burning Man camp in Denver. Soon I'll head to Fort Collins to visit even more friends. That's was Colorado is all about!