Friday, May 27, 2016

Niagara Falls? Meh

The bridge to Canada!

I so badly wanted to explore that decrepit building on the Canadian side. 
Soooooooooooooo many people... Maybe that's why I loved Utah so much. You can easily get away from people and any sort of human development.

Lots of seagulls. Trying to properly focus and time the shot was fun.

Falls and a rainbow for good measure.

Chose to take 90 West to kick off this adventure. Looking for something to do in order to break up the drive, I decided to check out Niagara Falls since I had never been there. Well just as I had been warned, it's quite commercialized and incredibly touristy. The American side was especially depressing: Construction, mediocre views of the Falls, tickets to access most things and forced exits through gift shops... The Canadian side was a relief: open green spaces, blooming flowers everywhere and a cozy lack of gift shops and crummy restaurants. Of course the Falls themselves were impressive, but I have to admit, I thought they'd be bigger. I'm satisfied with that place for a while! 

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