Monday, December 25, 2017

Jingle Bells

Happy Holidays y'all!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Climbing and Parties and Beer, Oh My!

Lots going on back home!

Another wonderful Christmas party at the Gudmand's. In true Christian fashion, the party was one-upped again after he built a climbing wall in the living room. It was fun being able to set problems and see how people would climb them. Amazingly no one got hurt...

Thanksgiving at home was nice and cozy. Nephew Jude was once again the star of the show. He's almost 2 and his words and expressions have quadrupled since I last saw him.

Some family friends got engaged and I had the pleasure of doing an informal shoot with them. Congrats Sarah and Brad!

 I saw some weird looking dogs in our backyard eating all of our shrubbery...

I brewed a beer! It came out more pale than planned but still tastes good enough to drink!

Climbed a bunch too. It's now gotten too cold for climbing routes, but hoping for a few more days of tolerable weather for bouldering. I need to avoid climbing in gyms at all costs.