Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Running Water, Trim and Other Shenanigans

First thing's first, my beautiful God Daughter turned 1!

Check out the compost bin. Soon it will be full of food scraps and other delightful waste products!

The cabinets are coming together very nicely. We were able to repurpose Christian's uncle's old barn board for the cabinet panels and it came out really good.

And my Dad was on TV! He was promoting Relay For Life on Mass Appeal.

Kombucha production is chugging along. This batch of dry-hopped blueberry booch was delicious.

Sourdough bread recipe is ever-evolving. Currently trying to get more sourness out of it. Slowly making progress there.

Saturn Jr. has had seriously sticky breaks for many months and it's been getting worse. Replacing one of the calipers didn't fix it. Next culprit was the brake hose. Due to a sale at NAPA and a little convincing from Christian, we went ahead and replaced both hoses, calipers, pads and rotors and flushed the brake fluid. The brakes now work better than they ever have.

And more plumbing work...

But guess what?!? Tiny McBoatface now has running water! Another step towards feeling like a home. Since the shower has a thick coating of RedGuard on it, I actually took a shower the other day. Felt real nice.

The house looks good as a backdrop behind campfire shenanigans.

I've begun the process of patching up gaps in the trim. Hopefully once it's complete you won't be able to tell that they're just painted 2x4s.

Christian has been working on the trim this week. It will all be made out of reclaimed douglas fir beams, same as the ridge beam, loft supports, stair tread and cabinet frame.

I decided to install the range hood. Was supposed to be an easy job until I noticed a stud going straight through the area where the vent is supposed to go. The stud is supporting the right side of one of my loft windows so we wanted to make sure it got proper support.

So after much fussing and hacking I was able to add additional support as well as studs onto which I could mount the hood.

It looks a little out of place, but at least it's installed. We'll add some nice wooden shelving on top to help blend it in a little more.

Milling up some more trim boards.

 Loft trim looks good!

More good looking trim!

Bathroom exhaust van looks a little silly there, but it was the only place I could put it as the shower is pretty close to the window and I wanted the fan as close to the shower as possible.

And last but not least, Relay was a huge success. At the last minute my Dad hit the $10,000 mark for money raised. Very fitting since it's his 10th year participating and volunteering. Amazing!

So that's plenty of updates! I guess the trick is to wait a couple weeks as the updates trickle in. Next steps are finish the trim and installed the copper lines for the propane so that I have a working stovetop.