Saturday, May 14, 2016

This Time I'm The Tour Guide

Great day session in Rumney NH with Koti! This is Koti setting up Cereal Killer [5.11c], a fantastic climb. 
Camille, my French tourist has arrived in Boston. Well of course we have to go to Faneuil Hall!
Patrolling the Boston Garden doesn't seem to be a bad job to have...
Camille really wanted to pet a squirrel.
Mount Auburn Cemetery to photograph the sunset. 
Dipping our feet and skipping stones in the Quabbin Reservoir. Showing others this beautiful spot helps me gain an appreciation for having such an amazing local gem.
Took Camille to Farley to show her my local crag. She did an awesome job and even trusted me to belay her.
Been running all over the place lately and I don't mind it one bit. Been climbing with Koti a lot. We climb at the exact same grade level and have very similar interests in climbs. I also have been to Boston a couple of times to visit some old time friends. Then I picked up Camille in Boston to hopefully show her that my home state is a cool place to live. I met Camille while traveling through Chile. She happened to be traveling through the United States and was staying in New York with a friend so it worked out perfectly. I showed her Boston, my hometown, some good hikes in the area and even managed to squeeze in some climbing. I learned a lot in return; like how to properly speak French, how to serve a baguette with every meal, and that the drink we refer to as "champagne" is incorrectly labelled, as it doesn't actually come from Champagne, France. Some good to know facts!

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