Thursday, July 20, 2017

Croquet Soiree

Sometimes you just gotta dress up and play some croquet...

... and then throw sharp things at targets.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

New Car Cooking Video and Major Update

Per usual, I've been very busy climbing all over the place. 

But I've made sure to take some time and put together a car cooking video. I've left my "fans" hanging for half a year so it was way overdue. With fresh raspberries from the garden I've decided to fry up some banana pancakes with a raspberry compote.

I've also got a major update at the end of the video!

The faithful Saturn has finally reached a point where trying to fix it just wouldn't make any sense... even for me...

So I did the only logical thing I could possibly do: I bought another Saturn. This time with 10 times as much room! Woohoo!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Home Sweet Home

Been awhile since I've updated this thing. Well I've made the journey back home. The goal was to relax and not leave my bed for a week straight. The contrary has been the reality and I've barely been home! Lots of catching up, climbing, buying good beer, editing photos, getting a working phone and trying to fix my car.

I won't bore you with the details. Just enjoy some photos from my DSLR. I have tons more but these are my favorites.