Friday, May 13, 2016

Busy Busy!

Finally some okay weather. 
The game where you put the 2nd bottle as far away as possible then stand up without touching the ground. There must be a name for it.
Wayne will always be the arm wrestling champion.
Leg wrestling. New game to me. I didn't do very well.
People sometimes get sleepy.
Super sleepy.
Friends, it's not that I've been slacking and haven't been thinking about you. It's that I haven't had any free time to update the blog or even look at the pictures I've taken! Please accept my sincerest apologies. Making a quick update now before I head out to meet up with former coworkers. This was from last week at Christian and Keira's house. So many people showed up and a lot of fun was had. Lots of games were played and even a few naps were taken. Parties at the Duffmand residence are one of the greatest things I missed while I was on the road and it made me very happy to be back with such great company. K, time to go make some dip, be back soon!

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