Friday, March 11, 2016

Climbing In Toconao

Dorm room the first night.

"Downtown" San Pedro

I want to climb that majestic volcano before I leave.

Lautaro cleaning the anchors.

Such a beautiful crag in the desert. 

Lautaro, the legend of Toconao.

The front yard of my new hostel. Much better.
I'm warming up to San Pedro. Especially after a rad day of climbing and meeting up with Sebastian again who is here volunteering at a hostel. Climbing was just me and my guide, Lautaro. We got on some awesome 10s and 11s ranging from short bouldery routes to long technical slabs. Even got to climb a beautiful finger crack. It wasn't until the end of our session that he mentioned he had bolted/established 90% of the routes in Toconao. Super nice and rad guy. Hopefully in a few days I'll be climbing again with him and some of his friends (without having to pay  $50). Then after, I checked into a new hostel. Sebastian, who I had met in Baños is now volunteering here. The hostel offers camping for 5,000 Chilean Pesos which is a lot cheaper than most of the beds in San Pedro. Starting to settle in now.

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