I'm a man of means by no means, king of the road. |
$2 to rent snowshoes? I'm sold. |
The sun is setting and the struggle is real. |
Get outta here moon, you're a joke! |
You should have let me know you were stopping by, the place is a mess! |
With all the asteroids out there, they should have named it the Snickers Galaxy. |
Draggin' that shutter and zoomin' on in. Getting all sorts of abstract in here. |
Ever seen a turkey fly? Me neither. Saw about 40 of them. Not sure who put them all the way up here. |
To the bat cave! |
Warning: getting artsy fartsy again. This time playing with the North Star and dragging the shutter for 20 minutes. |
Campsite for the night. Nice little lake right there buddy. |
Drove 4.5 hours North to Great Basin National Park. The goal was to see some pinion pines at the 10,000 foot mark. The reality was that I wouldn't make it much farther than 8,000 feet. Regardless, I want to give a shoutout to Great Basin for keeping the park free of excessive commercialization and regulation. With so many of their dirt roads and campgrounds closed, they allowed me to drive as far as I could, park wherever, hike wherever and camp wherever (fo free!). For $2, I was able to rent snowshoes and even borrow them overnight. Even with snowshoes, the hiking was extremely rough. They've got about 3-4 feet of snow and I was sinking in up to my knees, even with the snowshoes. Made it 2 or 3 miles before I was completely beat and decided to setup camp. It got down to about 5 degrees at night but felt comfortable with a roaring fire and a snow barrier around my sleeping bag. Since hiking farther up the next day was out of the question, I decided to do a Lehman Cave tour instead. It was only $10 for a 90 minute tour of the cave, which is another testament to the awesomeness of this park. After the tour I headed south to find a warmer place to camp. A nature preserve in Alamo NV proved to be more than sufficient. The night skies in the middle of Nevada were incredible. I'm back in Vegas for the time being.
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