Friday, November 20, 2015

Day 323 - La Luz Trail, Sandia Mountain

The Summit! Albuquerque can be seen in the distance.
Whatchu know about dem lens flares?
I've decided that I'm going to try and visit the top brewery in every state that I visit. Ergo, last night I checked out La Cumbre Brewery in ABQ. Yes, it was indeed delicious.

For some reason unbeknownst to my common sense, today I decided to hike the La Luz trail up to Sandia Crest. 8 miles of hiking and 1 mile in elevation gain later, I made it to the crest at 10,678 feet. Some gaiters would have been handy for the last 5 miles of the hike but hey, I'm from New England and I don't grasp how high desert ecosystems work. A really interesting aspect of this trail is that it climbs through 4 different biomes before reaching the top. Took 4 hours to hike up and another 2 hours to hike/run back down before sunset. Now that I'm really really fed up with snow,  I've driven to El Paso Texas where I will hopefully get into Hueco Tanks for some world-class bouldering tomorrow.

My legs hurt.

Exhausted selfie!

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