Monday, October 8, 2018

The Presidential Traverse

How about a non-tiny house update?

It's been a couple years now that I've wanted to hike the Presidential Traverse in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Christian has also wanted to do this hike and Matt has been spending most of his free time in the Whites so it was an easy trip to get together. Mike and Ian also tagged along so we had a good group for the challenge.

The traverse generally covers 21 miles and 10 peaks (which are all named after presidents... coincidentally). Mike quickly learned that his fitness wasn't quite up for the challenge and unfortunately hiked back to the car after the first day. The rest of us trudged on, skipping the peaks and taking cutoff trails in the interest of our knees and ankles.

Regardless of pain and difficulty, the Whites were spectacular right now with vibrant greens and oranges covering the hills and valleys. We had some sun, some fog and some rain towards the end.

All in all it was a success in our books and I'm very glad we did it. It also has me looking forward to plenty of winter camping in a couple months!

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