Monday, September 4, 2017

Rising From the Hot And Dusty Playa

Quick update while I wash my car and do some laundry. I actually made it to Burning Man and I have returned safely. This year was exceptionally hot and dusty but that didn't stop our camp from experiencing this unique event to its absolute fullest. 

Once again there was incredible art, music in all directions, unique and hilarious camps, successful events and deep bonding with friends new and old. It took me a day or so for the stress of prior events to wash away, but as soon as I settled in I felt at home again. 

There was an unfortunate event this year where a man ran into the man while it was burning. Officials were able to pull him out and airlift him to a burn center but he unfortunately didn't make it. This has happened in the past but not in quite a few years. 

Aside from a trampoline accident and a couple people partying a little too hard, everyone in our camp stayed safe all week. I managed to escape with only a sore throat and dry lips. 

This year I volunteered many hours helping out with our camp's bike repair. Despite not knowing much more than how to change a flat tire I managed to quickly learn the ins and outs of bicycle repair. I fixed spoke issues, gunky bottom brackets, shredded bearings, flat tires, squeaky brakes and so much more. Bicycles are a lifeline for people attending the event. Without one, you wouldn't be able to see nearly enough of the event. The gratitude expressed from everyone that needed repairs was so rewarding. On top of that, I was very happy when they would gift me beer or food. Volunteering so much may have reduced the amount of art or events I attended, but I think it was a perfect experience for me to have this year.

I'll be going through the photos in the next couple days so you can hopefully see a glimpse of what I saw. Until then I'll share probably the only photo taken of our entire camp together. This was during the man burn. Spirits were elated and there was so much love being shared from everyone in the camp. There's something special about sharing the challenges of living in such a harsh environment as well as experiencing something that you couldn't find anywhere else that really brings people together, even if they just met a week ago.

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