Long time no update!
Well, here's more tiny house pictures.
Interior walls are completely installed and painted with 2 coats.
Plumbing is almost done. Just need to finish hooking up the water tank in the bathroom. But here's the water heater, filter and manifolds under the kitchen counter.
Built out a double shower niche.
Installed all of the cement board in the shower.
Added way too many coats of Red Guard to waterproof/crackproof the shower walls. Next step will be to tile (but I'm probably going to ignore that for as long as possible).
This is what it looks like to power sand the loft at 11 at night. One step closer to moving my bed in!
And then at the very last minute I decided to drive down to Kentucky for a week with Koti and Tim Murphy. We booked an airbnb and climbed in the Red River Gorge for the week. The weather was perfect and the climbing was super fun.
It was my second week of work, so it was a bit of a difficult decision to make, but my boss seemed okay with the idea. I just worked a little each morning and night as well as in the car driving to and from the climbing areas. All in all it worked out really well and I'm very happy to know that my schedule really is fairly flexible (at least until I potentially take on more work).
The Red River gorge is a massive geological feature in Kentucky comprised entirely of sandstone. Throughout the gorge is hundreds of overhung falls full of pockets and huecos. The walls are tall and overhung so the climbing is super physical and enduring.
It only rained on the first day and the storm passed us within a half hour. Since the walls are so steep, we were able to continue climbing without ever getting wet.
I'm back home now so I suppose it's time to get back to working on Tiny McBoatface!