So I guess it was time to oil the cedar siding...
It didn't seem like too much since we were able to fit it all in my Saturn. But once you have to oil all 6 sides of 450 boards then it starts to feel like a never-ending task...
This stack here is about 20% of the siding. 3 days of Camille and I oiling and we were done! Just needed to wait a few days for the oil to penetrate and dry out.
We took a well deserved day off and drove up to Hill Farmstead Brewery with Tim and Jesse. We were hoping to do some Vermont sightseeing, but the short days and the 3.5 hour drive to Hill Farmstead made that impossible. A bit too much driving for beer, but it's pretty tasty beer!
Here's an update on the back electrical service box.
My brother has been helping us with all of the electrical work. It's the one area of home construction that truly requires a trade professional and something I wouldn't want to try and do on my own.
I also threw in some insulation that I got from Christian's neighbor. Now that we're getting the plumbing and electrical figured out, I'm hoping to install all of the rigid foam insulation that we've had sitting around for months now.
We also installed the wood stove which is a huge milestone considering it's almost January! Now we can work inside and outside and keep our hands and feet warm at all times.
Here's a couple shots of the interior at this point. Quite messy with tools and materials everywhere, but that will get cleaned up soon soon.
And now the metal roofing and the cedar siding are getting installed! The roofing is tricky as Christian and I have never worked with metal roofing before and the shed dormers make for some interesting angles, but Christian seems to be getting it figured out one corner at a time.
And the siding looks great! Camille and I are learning the delicate task of properly installing such a soft wood. Can't wait to see how it looks when it's finished.
Many many many thanks to Christian, Camille, my Dad, brother, Keira and everyone else who has selflessly spent their free time helping me get this house constructed. Looking forward to being able to have people over and provide hot meals and cold drinks!