Some girls offered to take a photo for me. Here it is. |
If you squint, you can see me on the left. Rolled my ankle trying to climb up there, so you better appreciate this photo! |
I don't make it rain, I make it snow.
Took a while to time this one properly. Lots of judgy faces from confused people. |
Watching the sunset and thinking long and hard about the origin of Pringles. |
The lake at dusk. |
Rise and shine Crater Lake. The lack of wind made the lake mirror-like. |
Decided to head north to Bend for the 4th of July. Realized last minute that Crater Lake was on the way there. I've been wanting to visit this splendid feat of geo-activity for years. The views did not disappoint! Unfortunately the East Rim Road was closed, so a lot of the hikes I wanted to do were not easily accessible.
I arrived at 5:15 and the headquarters, which gave out backcountry camping permits, was closed. Similar to Redwoods I just found a pullout and camped in my car. Unfortunately this time, a park ranger woke me up nice and early to tell me I was breaking the rules. Fortunately no ticket was issued, but it put a real damper on the mood for the rest of the day. After reflecting by the lake one last time, I boot scootin' boogied my way to Bend. First impressions: this town is wonderful!